Category: Statics
Find Interal Force and Moment for a Simply Supported Beam (Example #8)
Use free body diagram to solve for internal forces and moment about a point on a simply supported beam.
How to find the magnitude of Horizontal Reactions about a Point (Example #5)
A horizontal force of 200# to the left and a vertical force of 400# downward act at the end of the structure. (AEC kaplan example #5)
How to find the Resultant of 4 Forces (Example 4)
How to find the Resultant of 4 Forces (Example #4 in Kaplan 2012 SS study guide)
How to find the Resultant of Two Forces (Example 2)
How to find the Resultant of Two Forces (Problem 2)
Calculating a Beam’s Maximum Horizontal Shear Stress (Example 1)
Here is the example of a basic structures problem. Calculating Maximum Horizontal Shear Stress of a beam, typically you will be given the rectangular dimensions (ex 12in, 20in) and a load.