
The Arch Exam Academy is the perfect place to begin your journey to professional registration. Members get access to practice exams, including multiple choice exams that are key to passing the ARE 5.0 format.  You can buy one month membership subscription or a yearly subscription. Both amazing deals.

We know that its easy to be overwhelmed with the amount of material that the ARE covers, the academy really streamlines all the ARE sections and concentrates on providing study materials that are easy to use. With AEA you can take multiple choice exams anytime you are online, its a great way to practicing test taking skills and studying on the go. Master the ONE skill which is essential for passing the ARE– taking multiple choice exams!!!

Arch Exam Academy has organized the essentials of studying for you without gouging your wallet, we know what its like to be an intern. Become a member today and gain access to and practice exams. All available any time you have a wifi or data connection.  AEA is a mobile friendly website, for any phone or tablet.  Study anytime on the commute to work or on your lunch breaks. So with AEA you can quickly and easily start studying for your AREs without buying hundreds of dollars of books and training seminars for the 6 part Architect Registration Exam 5.0.  At AEA we believe in ARE Tutoring by testing with multiple choice exams.

Only 11.99 per month, cancel any time, incredible Value for access to our Members Only Content.


Arch Exam Academy is now offering a great savings; a 1 Year Arch Exam Academy Membership for only $59.95 per Year! That’s over a 50% savings with the 1 Year Membership. That’s less than five dollars per month!

 Instant Access Only $59.95 for a 1 Year Membership.

Dear ARE Candidate,   

       If you are currently working and finally want to be able to go for the jobs in a firm that require licensure for career advancement, then you need AEA! Do you have an architecture degree? If so then you have done the hard part. These seven exams are nothing compared to all those all-nighters, so start studying today with Arch Exam Academy. Don’t hesitate to become a member, buy a subscription and look around, and if you are not inspired to study, then we will honor our 100% no risk guarantee.  We are the right online resource for you. Instead of trying to organize all that information and wasting time on forums, join the Arch Exam Academy and access it online, anytime!

Get Instant Access to our Members Only content, filled with premium study notes, graphic vignette alternates, and  practice exams all online, anytime day or night. 

Have access to all the best information at the tip of your fingers, organized study content.  Learn what you need to know for the exams and have it at your finger tips. 

 With our 100% Risk Free Guarantee, you can’t go wrong: email us at for any questions.

100 percent risk guarantee

With an AEA membership, you will get access to ALL 6 practice exams that you can take and retake, exclusive access to member only web-based timed practice exams,

Instant Access Only $11.99 per Month.

With our 100% Risk Free Guarantee, you can’t go wrong. Every month you will be charged $11.99, incredible Value for access to our Members Only Content!


Arch Exam Academy is now offering a great savings; a 1 Year Arch Exam Academy Membership for only $59.95 per Year! That’s over a 50% savings with the 1 Year Subscription Membership. That’s less than 5$ per month!

 Instant Access Only $59.95 for a 1 Year Membership.

Best of Luck and Thank You from the Arch Exam Academy Team!