“Official” Online Resources

Here are some online resources to get materials and find people who are also taking the exams. It is a good idea to invest in a set of books, ask for used books from your friends (at a good price), or sometimes your local AIA chapter will have a checkout policy for ARE study materials. If you have recommendations to add, please comment below. AIA.org has a great page listing a lot of resources: http://www.aia.org/professionals/licensed/AIAS074829

NCARB.org. You should be familiar with this site, because this is where you log your IDP hours. And yes, there actually is some good content on here. Including the seven (7) ARE 4.0 NCARB study guides and associated software for practicing graphic vignettes. On this same page/link you can also find the ARE Guidelines, it is good to look through this before you begin studying.



AREforum.org Not sure how up-to-date some of the pages are on this site, but the actual forums are updated frequently. This is the go-to site for posting a vignette and getting some feedback on it by other members. The good information is mixed in with a lot of people saying they passed and asking when will they get their exam results. There are also some people who just want to complain. You need to be logged in to download pdfs to look at graphic vignette solutions.


areforum tips

  • IL, BL, SD are used to describe Interior Layout, Building Layout, and Schematic Design.
  • A lot of the content still references ARE 3.0 format, same information, just make sure you know how the new format categorizes the information.
  • When entering the forums and seeing all the threads, its a good idea to sort by “replies” to see the most quality posts/threads.
  • Look at the upper right hand corner of the discussion forums to find the FTP


And check out our newest post on everything we find on the internet about ARE.

Data mining the internet:  https://archexamacademy.com/are-data-mining-the-internet/


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