Structural Systems Quiz – Sample Questions

  1. A potential client has approached you to discuss the design  for a new sports area.  The client has been impressed by space frames he has heard about and asks you to describe exactly what they are.  You reply that a space frame is

    A.  a rigid frame which has the ability to resist lateral forces.
    B. a two-way system of trusses.
    C. any three-dimensional structural system
    D. a two way system of girders


  2. The arch is the oldest structural element used to span long distances.  The principal reason for this is that

    A. arches can span greater distances than flat members.
    B. curved members are more able to withstand vertical load than flat members.
    C. arches can be constructed from natural materials strong in compression, which have always been available.
    D. curved shapes are more aesthetically pleasing than flat members,


  3. You are the architect for a proposed high-rise office building.  Your structural engineer recommends the use of a flat slab floor system.  What is he
    referring to?

    A. A two-way reinforced concrete slab supported by beams.
    B. A reinforced concrete slab of constant thickness bearing directly on reinforced concrete columns.
    C. A slab same as B, but cast at grade and then lifted into position.
    D. A two-way reinforced concrete slab without beams or girders, usually requiring column capitals and drop panels.


  4. What is the portal method?

    A. a means of providing wind bracing in multistory buildings.
    B. An approximate method for analyzing mulitstory building frames.
    C. An approximate method for analyzing statically indeterminate beams.
    D. A method for analyzing structures utilizing computer programs.


  5. In constructing a plywood stressed skin panel, the plywood is generally fastened to the lumber stringers with

    A. nails
    B. glue
    C. wood screws
    D. wood screws and glue

  6. Most pile-driving formulas relate the capacity of a pile to all of the following, except

    A. the weight of the pile hammer
    B. the drop of the hammer
    C. the penetration of the pile per blow, under the last few blows of the hammer
    D. the angle of internal friction of the soil.


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