Construction Documents and Services Graphic Vignette Tutorial

Common pitfalls and tips:
Not putting in grade line.
Slab 6 inch above finish grade.
fire walls to not extend all the way up to the underside of the roof decking. 

allow for 8in for light, then mechanical space, then structure/joist. 

Put top of exterior wall footings below frostline.


8 responses to “Construction Documents and Services Graphic Vignette Tutorial”

  1. anisha gulrajani Avatar
    anisha gulrajani

    Isn’t the middle bearing wall footing supposed to be right below the slab and not taken down to the 5′ frost line?

    1. ARE BEE Avatar
      ARE BEE

      Yes, You are correct. The interior footing should be flush with the slab.

  2. Andrew F. Avatar
    Andrew F.

    you show the slab drawn above the grade line……is this correct? or should it be directly below line??

  3. Andrew F Avatar
    Andrew F

    the slab is drawn above grade……is this correct? or should it be level with grade?

    1. ARE BEE Avatar
      ARE BEE

      slab ON grade.

  4. Matthew K Avatar
    Matthew K

    Is there any way to get results when completing a practice vignette?

    1. you can always take a screen shot and post on AREcoach for a review by peers.

  5. Thanks for this product…this is one of the best ones in the market for the price. Thank you very much for giving us old guys not only hope…but a path to success. This has been a long journey and needs to come to an end with me earning my R.A. God bless!!! //Chuck

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